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Let's get your team on their way to wellbeing.

Writer's pictureFitPros Workplace Wellbeing

What's New Spotlight: February 2021

As wellness continues to evolve, FitPros is dedicated to providing you with new and relevant topics and activities for your employees. Find out what’s new this month:

Health Talks

The Current State of COVID: From Pandemic to Vaccine

As the COVID pandemic is evolving quickly, healthcare is struggling to keep pace. Please join us for a brief review of the current state of COVID and a discussion on the vaccines currently being dispensed, as well as a few of the newer vaccines currently under development. We will cover what is known about the efficacy of the vaccines---as well as how well they have been tolerated (side effects)---and talk through the Emergency Use Authorization process that was undertaken to expedite execution of this important countermeasure to this global public health crisis.

Managing Triggers and Loving Well: Strengthening Relationships With Self and Others

Do you find yourself reacting, internalizing, lashing out, or avoiding when it comes to the difficult (and important) conversations in life? This workshop is designed to help you better understand yourself so you can communicate more effectively with others. We’ll talk about automatic thoughts, the importance of language, and how to use mindfulness as a means to choose more skillful ways of communicating with yourself and others.

Addressing the Big Black Elephant in the Room: How to have more comfortable critical conversations

Comedians have the uncanny ability to say what everyone is thinking and even discuss controversial topics with ease. Over the past decade, stand-up audiences have remained receptive and open-minded to this refreshingly funny yet thought-provoking brand of comedy. In this workshop, the FitPro will share tips and techniques to empower you to have more comfortable critical conversations by improving your listening skills during difficult conversations or conflicts, as well as learn how to assess your motives, find commonalities, and confront with care.

Make Yourself at Home… Not Really: How to improve engagement in your teams

Most diversity presentations leave the majority group feeling enlightened or guilty, while the minority group is left feeling empty or vindicated.

Why do some members of your team immediately feel right at home and seen, while others feel like guests in someone else’s home and invisible? Would all the members of your team feel comfortable joining you in a foxhole? Research shows that engagement is a key factor that promotes high performance in organizations. During this health talk, you will learn how to assess employee engagement levels, understand cultural and social differences exist, and explore components for successful engagement initiatives.

Pivoting to Advocacy: How to speak up and create safe and inclusive environments

You are enlightened, but now what? We all have some type of privilege, but are we using it to advocate for others without that privilege? Get skills and techniques to cultivate inclusivity. During this health talk, you will learn how to recognize that everyone has some type of privilege, learn the language of cultural competency, and be empowered to confront injustices.

Social Engagement Activity

Wellness Trivia: Black History Month

Your FitPro Game Show Host will entertain while posing question about Black Culture Including: History, Pop Culture, Geography, Music, Movies, Science, Food and Beverage into our virtual trivia platform. Get ready to get the brain waves firing and the body moving during this interactive hour!

Philanthropic Activity

HeART Boards

Looking for a way to spread some love to essential workers this Valentine's Day? Paint some HeART Boards! Designed for up to six people (one hour per person), HeART Boards are six 9''x12'' canvas boards with pre-painted and color-coded designs and include all art supplies, take protectors, and aprons. There is an option available to ship direct to individual participant locations. Together we will brighten the world!

New Partnerships

Les Mills Partnership

We’re excited to expand our fitness offerings by adding Les Mills' world-class workouts to our platform. We know you want the flexibility and convenience of working out when you want, where you want, and with 100 new classes, you will have plenty of variety too!

  • WORKOUT ANYWHERE Members get access to top quality fitness classes to access whenever they want, wherever they want.

  • EXPLORE NEW WORKOUTS FROM HOME With the diverse library of content, users can get more variety in their training, gain the confidence to expand their routine from the comfort of their own home and fall in love with a new workout.

  • GET RESULTS Content also features a range of technique videos to help members perfect their workout, getting them faster results!

Sendoso Partnership

FitPros rolled out in 2020 wellness care packages to help our client’s support and appreciate their employees when they work remotely. In just a few months we sent 13k care packages. We are excited to announce our new partnership with Sendoso whose international send capabilities, large amount of e-gift card options and software will allow us to make the live of so many more employee across the world happier, healthier and more connected to their colleagues and company.

Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Contact a Wellbeing Manager today to schedule these activities and learn about other offerings available.

Visit to find additional activities available.

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