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Let's get your team on their way to wellbeing.

  • Writer's pictureFitPros Workplace Wellbeing

Ease Holiday Anxiety with Mindfulness and Meditation in Your Office

FitPros has a series of on-site Mindfulness Talks and meditation practitioners that can introduce your employees to tools that can help them to stay present, at peace and relaxed....

even during the craziness of the holidays!

What are FitPros Health Talks?

A one hour informational talk with a certified professional who inspires a healthy living through a motivational discussion. It's your choice what time of day to hold the seminar. From experience, we've learned talks given during lunch hours, when food is provided have the highest attendance. FitPros can recommend healthy food caterers for a "Lunch & Learn" or snacks for other meeting times during the day.

Popular Mindfulness Health Talk Topics and Meditation Practices Include:

  • Mindfulness: Tools to Disconnect

  • Art of Self Alignment: Balance Food, Fitness & Fun!

  • Power of Positive Thinking: Outlook Shift

  • How to be “fully present” and what does it mean?

  • Meditation & Breathing 101

  • Meditation (30 min - 60 min) Class

What is meditation?

We will take care of all the behind-the-scene paperwork necessary for our insured and accredited practitioners. Often attempting meditation on their own, people complain about not being able to quiet the mind. Through guided meditation, one can cultivate inner peace and release stress. Learn tools to be present and live life to the fullest!

Bring Mindfulness Talks and Meditation Classes on-site and see how your employees thrive with their newfound presentism and focused calm.

For more information, email or visit

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