October 10th is recognized as World Mental Health Day, a time to raise awareness about mental health conditions and the importance of seeking support for those who are affected. One of the most critical factors that affect an individual's mental health is their work environment. Workplace stress and pressure can significantly impact an employee's mental wellbeing, leading to reduced productivity, absenteeism, and high turnover rates. Therefore, it's essential for businesses and organizations to prioritize employee mental health and create a supportive environment for their staff. Below are some strategies you can implement to support employee mental health.
Start the Conversation
The first step towards supporting employee mental health is to start the conversation and reduce the stigma surrounding it. Create an open culture where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns without fear of discrimination or judgment. You can organize mental health workshops, seminars, and training sessions to educate employees about mental health conditions and how to identify warning signs. By talking about mental health openly, you can help employees feel supported and gain access to resources they need.
Implement Mental Health Policies
Mental health policies are essential for companies that want to prioritize employee wellbeing. They make it clear that the organization cares about employee mental health and sets a clear standard for how employees should be treated. Policies can range from flexible work arrangements to mental health days, allowing employees to take time off for mental health reasons without fear of repercussions. Additionally, implementing a mental health plan can lead to higher employee morale and increased productivity.
Encourage Healthy Practices
Employers can encourage healthy practices by promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Regular exercise, eating healthy meals, and promoting positive sleep habits can go a long way in improving mental health. Exercise is a proven mood booster and stress reducer, so encourage weekly fitness classes or lunchtime walks. Employers can also implement measures like ergonomic workstations to reduce stress and promote physical wellbeing.
Offer Mental Health Resources Employers should offer a range of mental health resources for employees who need help. Providing access to an employee assistance program (EAP) can give employees a safe channel to seek support for various emotional concerns. Additionally, providing access to mental health professionals and a comprehensive list of community resources can help employees feel supported and connected. World Mental Health Day is an important time for businesses and organizations to prioritize employee mental health in the workplace, but this should be a year-round initiative that promotes a healthy and happy working environment. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can create a supportive and positive environment for your staff that can lead to higher employee morale, increased productivity, and reduced absenteeism and turnover rates. By investing in your employees’ mental health and wellbeing, you are investing in the long-term success and growth of your organization.
Take a look at some of our top Mental Health Talks below and book now for you and your team!
The Role of Energy in Mental Health
Book It > Mental exhaustion, frustration, apathy caused by stress, paranoia, life adjustments...it's overwhelming just describing these symptoms of work-related stress. And that’s the short version. In this health talk session, participants and a credentialed specialist will review the signs of fatigue and learn tools for coping with life’s disruptions and maintaining wellbeing. When we optimize our energy, we can face change and adversity—whether mental, emotional, spiritual, or social—without feeling helpless. Instead, we can show up prepared and keep on striving. Promoting Mental Health at Work
Workplace mental health directly impacts individuals, teams, and the company. Studies have shown that companies that support mental health and provide mental health resources to their employees see improvement in staff productivity, and a reduction in absenteeism.. Not to mention individual benefits like greater self-acceptance and self-esteem. In this health talk session, attendees will build their foundational knowledge on mental health, learn how to promote mental health at work, and identify ways to access company wellbeing benefits. Creating a healthy workplace begins with awareness of the workplace environment and how it can be improved to support workers’ wellbeing.
Pause and Avoid Burnout
Book It >
Simply “getting through” the day isn't a healthy approach to life. Avoiding problems or dreading the next to-do only leads to emotional overload, or what we know today as burnout. In this health talk session, you'll learn the neuroscience of pausing when we need to, and jumping back in once we’re ready. Understanding how to deal with the negative feelings and thoughts that accompany burnout can reveal something great. For instance, acknowledging your emotions instead of suppressing them allows you to develop your emotional intelligence—an ability that will serve you well in your personal and professional life.
Looking for something different? Contact us to see how we can customize your health talk or activity.