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Pamper the Hardworking Mommas' in Your Office

Writer's picture: FitPros Workplace WellbeingFitPros Workplace Wellbeing

This Mother’s Day celebrate the moms in your office with Fit Pros’ unique spa-like services including massages, acupuncture, and dermo skin checks! Women with dual responsibilities of childrearing and career-building work so very hard that they deserve the best care in return. These simple stress-relieving treatments serve to relax and restore the body; it’s essential after a full work day to allow the mind to wander, escape, and slow down with meditative respites.

Companies who cater to the women who “do it all”—balancing work, play, and motherhood—can help build greater camaraderie with their fellow employees. Though fathers play a major role in parenting and financial responsibilities, the energy shared between mother and baby during pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding is an intimate and necessary part of motherhood that should be acknowledged and accommodated for the baby and the mother. Women who work and have children don’t have it all—they have it all when self-care is truly exercised in the home and at work.

While self-care is gaining in popularity, it is still as yet an underserved component in the workplace; to nourish employees in all ways that may impact their performance as workers and in their roles as mother, father, sister, artist, observer, etc. Professional mothers especially have their hands full meeting the day to day needs of her workplace as well as tending to her home. Wellness services provided on-site can be the leverage needed to shrink an already full schedule into something more manageable.

Instead of scurrying off during lunch hour to cram a workout session at the closest but inadequate gym—beggars can’t be so choosy—your working mom can stay on campus for her fitness and wellness needs. If you already have an on-site wellness program in place, or even if you’re planning one, what better start shall you have to honor your working moms than with a Mother’s Day incentive kick-off?

As more women are entering the workplace at executive levels, Fit Pros can be a major health advocate for the working mothers in your company, and thereby exempt them from feeling guilty for compromising work and family time. Women who climb the career ladder are especially pressured to prove their place at the office and at the table. Work-life balance becomes a fading idea because professional mothers who strive to balance work and family tend to compromise themselves. Fit Pros can take care of this necessary health component of self-care with our partner programs. Health needs to be treated as a priority, and not just in emergency cases, but in ways that will sustain the well-being of employees for the long haul.

All companies should support women of growing families with benefits such as a flexible schedule and a generous family leave. Offering incentives for working mothers on Mother’s Day could be a stepping stone for instituting more career mom friendly benefits in your corporate office!

Take a look at the following onsite partner programs, provided and organized by Fit Pros, that can benefit your working moms this Mother’s Day and beyond!

Massages: Massages are the ultimate anxiety and stress-reliever. They release any underlying tension that may road-block you from continuing your assignments or meeting your deadlines, especially for professional mothers who play so many roles. Massages can ease any work-related injuries such as carpal-tunnel and get employees back into tip-top shape. Therapists perform these massages on a chair or table for any desired length of time. Rate will depend on how many therapists are needed to service the employees and the length of time they spend onsite.

Chiropractic Care: Licensed chiropractors perform onsite care to employees who benefit most from spinal realignment and spiritual restoration. Services include a thorough exam, treatment, a custom rehabilitative program to help the mothers in your office practice self-care as they reach their performance goals.

Acupuncture: Licensed acupuncturists use thin needles insert into the body’s trigger points. This causes the muscle knots to contract and release the flow of blood so that that the circulatory system can again run easily and sufficiently. Fit Pros also provide Acupressure, which is a non-invasive approach to relaxing the knotted muscles. And instead of inserting needles, the acupuncturist presses a finger onto the trigger points in a circular, or linear motion. Evidence proves acupuncture’s health benefits can alleviate various forms of pain and illness.

Healthy Skin Awareness Checks: A credentialed skin care expert meets one-on-one with employees to examine their skin, discuss any concerns, and answer questions about how to maintain or improve their healthy skin regimen. Although samples are not taken onsite, if the employee has an area of concern, they will be advised to see their primary doctor. Checking your skin may save your life; employees will be more aware of the difference between a benign or malignant mole and be reminded of how essential sunscreen is in their arsenal of skin products.

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