As a wellbeing company that cares deeply about the health and safety of our employees and yours, FitPros wants to acknowledge the challenges that we’re all facing right now with the spread of COVID-19. That’s why we’ve worked with our network of licensed physicians to develop a series of talks aimed at addressing the myths, facts, and proven preventative measures for the coronavirus, to help you keep your team's healthy, happy and productive.
FitPros has already begun hosting the talk series below for several clients and the feedback/response has been incredible! Check out the following Case Study.
This informative talk is delivered by a licensed physician whose discipline is focused on advanced knowledge of biology, engineering and medicine to improve human health. The talk provides clarity as to how the coronavirus has spread and shares background on how it compares to other virus outbreaks. Employees will learn how they can adjust their day-to-day routine to lower their chances of contracting and spreading the disease as well as have the opportunity to ask live questions to an educated unbiased resource.
Challenges: Reported by FitPros Clients
Too much COVID-19 information (some inaccurate) being circulated, that employees are relying on
Misconceptions surrounding the disease causing social, emotional, physical, financial and professional issues
Psychological Threat employees do not release is emerging
Results: Case Study
Employee Attendees: 714 unique attendees
98 live questions submitted, (28 answered during the talk), the rest answered virtually after the talk
Accurate information received from an isolated source
Employees felt supported by their employer and safer
Panic transformed into meaningful action
The emotional toll this is having on employees was addressed
"It demonstrated to me how incredibly large of an impact this type of activity can have to help our communities, to help transform panic into meaningful action. The most impactful thing we can do at this point, I believe, is to address the emotional toll this is having on people, particularly the children. As we all know the children are highly vulnerable to adverse childhood events that may influence their future health." -Dr. Kaveh
An anaesthesiologist and biomedical engineer. He completed his undergraduate engineering degree at UC Berkeley and completed medical school at Stanford University. After spending time in biomedical devices in Silicon Valley, he completed his internship at UCLA and residency at Harvard (Brigham and Women’s Hospital). He conducted research at UCSF and Harvard and focused on harnessing neuroscience and biofeedback through biomedical devices to open the window to neuroplasticity. He is currently a fellow at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrated Medicine (University of Arizona) and married to a (rockstar) emergency medicine physician.
Client Response: "FitPros expertise is evident and they are informative, articulate and have a very practical tone."
Employee Response: "FitPros Doctors are incredible and a very good source of info"
Broker Partner Response: "The more I work with you all I see an organization that I’m so proud to be in partnership with!"
Facts About COVID-19 and Steps for Prevention
This informative talk is delivered by a licensed physician whose discipline is focused on advanced knowledge of biology, engineering and medicine to improve human health. The talk provides clarity as to how the coronavirus has spread and shares background on how it compares to other virus outbreaks. Employees will learn how they can adjust their day to day routine to lower their chances of contracting and spreading the disease. This talk includes:
Background information on the virus and it's why we should take precautions
How it compares to the flu and other viruses
How it’s transmitted and how to recognize associated symptoms
Who is at risk
Steps for prevention for individuals and homes
Travel precautions
How to manage gatherings & events
The effectiveness of masks
Hand washing vs hand sanitizers
Steps for prevention in corporate offices
Buy the above talk and receive one of the following talks below half off!
Resilience: Keeping Your Workforce Engaged During Disruptions The coronavirus has impacted jobs across all markets and industries. With sudden mandatory work from home policies, travel restrictions, and swings in the financial markets, your team’s workflow has likely already been disrupted. In this talk, they will hear from a healthcare professional about steps they can take to minimize fear and keep them focused and productive, including:
Creating a consistent communication plan
Managing stress and anxiety
Ensuring employees have access to benefits and resources
How to mitigate fear and focus instead on the facts
Remote Time Management and Productivity Tips and Tricks A special analysis done by FlexJobs and Global Workplace Analytics found that there has been a major upward trend in the amount of people working remotely in the U.S. However, often times employees receive limited coaching and resources when they transition to remote work, leaving them to "fend for themselves" or "learn by trial and error." In this Health Talk employees will learn from a career coach how to remain engaged, productive, a team player, how to set up their unique space for maximum productivity, how to set boundaries with those around them, how to communicate effectively and how to ensure there is a clear divide between work and play when working from home.
Mindfulness Tools to Disconnect
In today’s culture, the constant pressure to achieve, succeed, and innovate faster is causing record-breaking incidences of burnout. Combine that with a constant feed of stimulus from technological devices, a constant stream of emails, and the increased use of social media (which has been proven to increase depression), and it’s no wonder that stress-related illnesses are on the rise. This session introduces participants to the mindfulness practices that are essential for us to begin reclaiming our energy, resilience, and happiness -- both at work and at home.
Identifying and Managing Stress This Health Talk will wake you up from the task-oriented mindset and that feeling of urgency that creates stress. Don't wait until stress has a negative impact on your health, relationships, or quality of life. Instead, start practicing a range of stress management techniques today. Participants will learn how to recognize and identify the different forms of stress, as well as tools to effectively manage stress and be present in everyday life.
Want to learn more about FitPros COVID-19 Webinar Series?
or call (815) 348-7767